Importance of the angle of light when observing the iris

Importance of the angle of light when observing the iris

It is possible to observe the iris using different methods and tools. The important thing is that any instrument or technique used should allow us to see the iridian or pupillary signs in detail.

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With the images from this article I want to show the different perceptions that can be obtained of the same iridian sign if we change the angle of light.
These photographs have been taken at the same time with the same camera and the same conditions (light intensity, shutter speed, aperture). The only thing that we have changed is the focus angle of the light source. In the first photograph the light source is 45º to the right with regard to the axis of the camera lens. In the second photo the lighting is 80º to the left of the frontal axis.

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The perception of the characteristics of the iris surface can change if we vary the light conditions or zoom intensity. Consequently, it is important to take the photographs with the same conditions so that we can really see the changes that take place.

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© Multiple Reflex Iridology. All rights reserved. © Javier Echavarren Otín. 2017

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