First, we see an extension of the right iris where we place the study area with a red rectangle.
A comparison between the initial photo from 2006 and the photo from 2015, where we can see more clearly the change that has occurred on the surface of the iris indicated.

And now, sequence of photographs from 2004 to 2013.

In the first picture of the sequence we can see, inside the red square, the sign of Concentric Circle or Nervous ring, spanning it. In the lower left quadrant of the quadrate, it is appreciated the stroma opening from the origin of the Concentric Circle’s intersection, but there’s not pigmentation or is not appreciated stain.

In early 2006 we began to recognize the onset of pigmentation.

Eight months later, it can be seen clearly a little pigmentation.

In 2008 it continues to grow.

In 2013, the “stain” continues growing.
The rest of the iris image and the details of the interpretation of the iris signs that appear in it, is reserved for courses and study materials that we will publish.
Other cases:
– Changes in the iris (2nd).
– Evolution of a Pigmentation during 10 years.
– Radical change of iris colour.
You can see more cases related to iris changes by clicking on the “Change in iridian signs” or “New iridian sign” category.
© Multiple Reflex iridology 2017. All rights reserved. © Javier Echavarren Otín. 2017