Case 2. New Stain iridian sign

Case 2. New Stain iridian sign
Iridian sign: New Stain in left iris.

This “Post” forms part of a series of articles that provide additional information on the material outlined in the Orlando Conference: “Evolution of Iris Signs in Multiple Reflex Iridology”.  At the “OUR” 18th Annual International Iridology & Integrative Healthcare Congress.

Case no. 2. New Stain iridian sign on the TA of the left lung.

This case is another example of the formation of a new Stain iridian sign on the Topographic Area (TA) of the left lung. Photographs from 2008 and 2016 have been superimposed on a parallax slider so that we can see the effect of moving across a time line and observing the differences between the two dates.


The additional list of content is at the following address:


© Multiple Reflex Iridology. All rights reserved. © Javier Echavarren Otín. 2017

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