Video of the evolution of a Stain Sign in the Topographic Area of the liver

Video of the evolution of a Stain Sign in the Topographic Area of the liver

In the present article we present a video with the narration of a practical case of Iridology. It is another example of “evolution of the signs of the iris” over time. The photographs of this case have already been presented in the article “Increase in a Pigmentation on the iris (TA of the liver)”, but this time we delve into the case by presenting it in video. Following this main video there are 3 very short videos that were prepared for our Instagram channels. We will serve on this occasion to show small nuances of the case.

Photographs of the right iris of a 56-year-old man. The photographs were taken in 2008 and 2016. The ZT of the liver has been drawn in red dashed line, which is where we will observe the changes that have taken place in these 8 years of difference. The area where the change is most significant has been indicated by a white dashed line. Since the increase and growth of the “Pigmentation” is more ostentatious.

Video 1:

Sequence of the photograph of the right iris in 2008 and 2016. It is an enlargement of part of the right iris with a difference of 8 years.

Video 2:

It is a video that shows very graphically the Topographic Area (TA) of the liver along with a practical case of the evolution of Iridian signs in that TA. Sequence of several images corresponding to the Topographic Area of the liver and photographs of said area with a difference of 8 years.

Video 3:

Enlarged image of the Topographic Area of the liver. Followed by the enlargement of the photo of that area in 2008 and then that of 2016.

Hígado corto instagram 1
Aumento de Mancha
Hígado corto instagram 2
Aumento de Mancha
Hígado corto instagram 3
Aumento de Mancha

You can find this and other videos of case studies of Multiple Reflex Iridology in our channel in  YOUTUBE.


©Multiple Reflex Iridology. All rights reserved. ©Javier Echavarren Otín. 2018

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