The Topographic Area (TA) of the ovaries is between 187º and 203º between crowns no. 5 and 6.
Alterations linked to the ovaries can manifest themselves in this area through any kind of sign. Normally, various associated signs manifest themselves.
The most representative iridian signs that we have found are as follows:
– Virtual Concentric Circles.
– Stain.
– Lacuna, they are almost always small and virtual.
– Radius.
– Alteration of the stroma.
Below, by way of example, you can see images of figures 4.10 and 4.13 from the book “Principios y fundamentos de la Iridología de Reflejo Múltiple” (Principles and Foundations of Multiple Reflex Iridology).

Figure 4.10 (Pg. 362). It corresponds with the zone outlined by the red circumference on the right iris.

Figure 4.13 (Pg. 364). The TA of the ovaries is outlined by the red circles that can be seen in the lower part of the irises in Sector 4. (The other circles correspond to other additional indications that are not linked in this case)
© Multiple Reflex Iridology. All rights reserved. © Javier Echavarren Otín. 2017